About Dinah and windchild.net

dinah_8x10Welcome to the collected research of Sayyida Dinah bint Ismai’l, mundanely known as Dinah Tackett. Over her years in the Society for Creative Anachronisms (SCA), she has collected, written and taught a multitude of different subjects within recreating Middle Eastern culture, dealing specifically in pre-17th century.


Within this site you will find recipes, class handouts, and much more as time allows to add. I mean for this to be my online repository for class handouts and information that I’ve found valuable in my research over the years. It will also be a place for cataloging my projects, both past and present.


Where applicable, at the end of each article will be a bibliography to help anyone interested in the subject to research more on their own, along with links to where you can find the books and images listed if available.


Please check back often, as I will be adding more and more over time.



My mother, Dinah, passed away on February 6, 2013 from a massive stroke. I’ll be keeping this site up and running as a repository of her research in the SCA. This was her passion, and I think it will serve as a valuable memorial to her. If you have any handouts from the multiple classes that she taught in the SCA over the years, please contact me and I’d be happy to post them. The family is still going through her files and computer, so something might get missed.

Thank you,

Amber Hansford – Dinah’s daughter

2 Replies to “About Dinah and windchild.net”

  1. Amber, I am very sorry to hear of your mother’s passing. I never met her, but her web resources on costume enriched my life. Thank you for taking the trouble to make sure that they will remain available. That’s a fine memorial to your mother’s memory.

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